Closest town: Elounda (1km)
Closest city: Agios Nikolaos (11km – 15min)
Closest airport: Heraklion (68km – 1 hour).

GPS: 35.259217 | 25.737791

By car

If you are driving, from Heraklion take the road to Agios Nikolaos (∼45 mins drive on the highway). At the main junction just before you enter the city of Agios Nikolaos you turn left (straight will take u to town center; right will take you to Sitia and Ierapetra ). From there follow the signs towards Elounda (9km). The first half is uphill and the other half is downhill overlooking the gulf of Elounda and the peninsula of Spinalonga (which is where you want to go). As you are coming down from the hill you will pass all the big resorts on your right and start entering the village of Elounda. The last big resort is Elounda Bay Palace and then after 500m, before entering the center of Elounda, there is a sharp right U-turn towards Akti Olous. Take a right turn there and you end up by the coast with the sea along your left hand side (alternatively you can drive to center first and come back to take an easy left turn). After 800m you pass a small bridge and then in 200m you see Elounda island Villas, the only building on the peninsula of Spinalonga.

By bus

There is a local bus service travelling frequently (every hour) from the airport to Agios Nikolaos. Change there for Elounda. The travel is cheap but lasts 2 hours. From Elounda village center you can either walk along the coast to come to the villas (∼15 beautiful mins), or take a taxi.

By taxi

We could arrange a taxi to wait for you at the airport and bring you safely to our villas. We just need the exact time of your arrival and the flight number.